India has always been a destination which has attracted the gap-year backpacker, but over the last fifteen years, it has also started to appeal to older tourists who are looking to go somewhere a little different on holiday.  Films like “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel” and “Indian Summers”, currently being shown on TV at the moment, give a flavour of life in India, past and present.

Before you travel, it is very important to make sure that all routine vaccinations are up to date.  Travellers to India must have protection from tetanus, typhoid,and hepatitis.  Malaria is also common in many parts of the country.  Check with your local surgery at least 3 months before start of travel as to which vaccinations you may need.

There are certain items which need to be packed into a small first aid kit which you may require whilst on your travels.  It is strongly advised that you take a tropical strength DEET based mosquito repellent and some kind of bite cream or ointment to apply if you do get bitten.  Plasters and antiseptic cream are a must to prevent any bites (or other cuts and scratches) becoming infected.

Avoid drinking tap water, or eating salad or other foods which are likely to have been washed in local water.  Remember to brush your teeth using bottled or purified water.  Make sure your first aid kit carries a supply of diarrhoea treatment tablets and re-hydration tablets and you will be able to combat the effects of an upset tummy if you are unlucky enough to become ill.

Paris is one of those capital cities that has to be visited. It’s not always easy to predict what kind of vacation you’ll have in Paris, but other than visiting the Eiffel Tower, you may want to consider the following:

Luxembourg Gardens

If it’s hot then the Luxembourg Gardens will not disappoint. It’s the perfect spot to spend Sunday, soaking up the peaceful atmosphere with beautiful scenery all around you.

Notre Dame Cathedral

The Notre Dame Cathedral is definitely worth a visit too. This is a historic building that’s well worth a climb to the top. You may not get the same view that you get from the Eiffel Tower, but it’s splendid nonetheless.

St. Etienne du Mont

This is another gem, and you just have to stand back and simply admire the architecture of this beautiful building, whilst all of these attractions are within close proximity to restaurants, and bars.

Everybody knows a few horror stories about the truly terrible standard of accommodation some countries. One of the places that springs to mind is India, where getting your own room is a luxury, and finding a room with a working toilet is difficult.

If you find yourself in a country with poor standards of accommodation, or wanting to go to such a place, the trick is to manage your expectations. A country like India is certainly worth visiting, and while you may not have the most comfortable stay imaginable, the country itself is a beautiful place to visit, the tourist attractions set a high standard for the rest of the world to try to compete with, and even though the standards are poor now, accommodation is improving all of the time.

If you try hard enough to find a great place to stay, you can usually ensure that you find a place which has a working toilet and some privacy; but if you want a relaxing stay in a nice hotel, then this isn’t really the holiday for you now is it?

We all have our own idea of what an average holiday hotel room looks like, and there are certainly inclusions we automatically expect. A good quality hotel room will have a bath or a shower, a bed, a chair and a dressing area, a wardrobe and television. That is the type of room that will tick many people’s boxes on their summer holiday, while a balcony will usually be included.

Some would argue that the overall standard of 3-4 star hotel rooms has improved over time, and that’s because electronics are cheaper, so hotels can afford to kit their room out with good functioning equipment.

The quality of a room usually comes down to the standard of cleaning, which is obviously at a much higher standard in 5 star hotels. Check out reviews before you go book a holiday to see the  room standards. You don’t want to book only to find out that the four star hotel you thought it was is not even close to two.

Butlins is a holiday package provider, which targets families with young children specifically. This means that a lot of the services on offer in one of their packages will be stuff that your children will enjoy. It doesn’t mean that there won’t be things for the parents to enjoy either though. They try their best to ensure that the entertainment value from their holidays remains high for everybody on holiday with them, even if you aren’t the children that they target. It also means that you can be sure that they will have the necessary resources there in order to care for your child for part of the day, so that adults accompanying them get some time to enjoy some quiet relaxation and privacy.

A Butlins holiday is also an ideal way for you to make the most of a short getaway, with resorts located throughout the UK, you can get there and come back with relative ease.